Cardano Lottery


Chance To Win Millions!

Follow our twitter account for prize notifications.

Go to our twitter account to view previous results and current jackpot.

BLACKBOX costs 2 ADA per play.

Select six numbers between 0 and 9. Enter these numbers as lovelace in the transaction.

Example: 2.123456 ADA gets you 1 ticket with 123456 as your ticket number.

Drawings are held every Friday at 09:00 pm UTC. Follow our twitter account for lottery announcements.

The BLACKBOX jackpot grows until it is won. The jackpot is won by matching all 6 numbers in exact order.

If there is more than 1 winner the prize is split among all winners.

Jackpot winners will automatically recieve their prizes to wallets used to purchase tickets.



Created by @RecktGreen